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Hello everyone, how are you doing? In this quick tutorial, I will tell you how to change the command prompt (cmd) color. This tutorial is going to be very interesting. So, follow it till the end.

How to Change Command Prompt Color

How to Change Command Prompt Color

To change the command prompt color, follow the steps given below in this tutorial:

Step 1: First of all, open the command prompt.

Step 2: Then, type the "help color" command line. Once typed successfully, press the enter button. It will display the list of all available colors that you can select.

How to Change Command Prompt Color

Step 3: After selecting the desired color, type the command line "color number".

For example: suppose you want to change the color to red. Then, you have to write "color 4".

How to Change Command Prompt Color

Step 4: Finally, press the enter button.

That's it, the command prompt color will be changed successfully.

Thank you guys for reading this article. See you soon in another quick tutorial related to the command prompt.

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